SDC Health & Safety Policy

To support our Health and Safety initiatives, SDC manages safety continuously and proactively by establishing systems and accountability for processes to eliminate factors that lead to incidents.


  • All incidents are preventable.
  • Good safety and good business performance go hand-in-hand.
  • Manage Health and Safety like all other aspects of our business.
  • Sustained excellence requires active and complete involvement.


  • Management leadership sets direction and values.
  • Comprehensive participation to successfully support and adapt health and safety initiatives.


  • Eliminate factors that lead to incidents, and ensure safety systems are proactively managed.
  • Develop a continuous improvement attitude that leads to a lasting safety culture.


  • Prevention – The only acceptable goal is ZERO lost time accidents.
  • Economic Impact – Direct and indirect cost associated with incidents to our company and customers.
  • Prioritization – Long-term, any safety procedure short cut will result in an incident, impacting production and efficiency.
  • Process – Immediate incident investigation of causation, focused on fixing processes, procedures, or behaviors to prevent incidents.
  • Benefits – Sustainable culture committed to embracing safety issues which improve work conditions and performance.